“Our children attended the Creative Children Day Home for around five years. Our children were always greeted so warmly by the staff and made to feel that they were valued and cared for. We trusted Sabira whole-heartedly and appreciate her for being such an instrumental caregiver when our children were so young. We are grateful for her dedication to the children and the countless ways she goes above and beyond to become a second family to all of the families at the day home. The Creative Child Day Home continues to hold a special place in our hearts and is the source of countless fond memories..”
Hours of Care & Extended Hours of Care
Regular Hours of Care
Agency Day Home Program hours are from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Educators being self-employed may choose their own working hours. They state in writing their hours of operation. The hours are set based on parental needs and the educator’s availability. Agency uses this information for the placement of children. The hours are also listed on the educator’s profiles.
Extended Hours of Care
Extended Hours: Care provided outside of the regular hours of 6 A.M. to 6 P.M. or on the weekends.
- Family day home programs may choose to provide extended hours of care.
- Any care provided outside of regular hours is clearly documented and communicated with the agency.
- Day home educators are assessed on a case-by-case basis to evaluate their ability to provide extended hours of care. Considerations are: how the day home educator’s family reacts to an extended hour placement and adequate sleeping set-up (if applicable), etc.
- Agency is available to monitor extended hours care until 10:00 pm.
- Children receiving extended hours of care are visited 6 times a year.
- An individual monitoring plan is developed for each day home educator providing extended hour care, with the minimum expectation that children are seen in extended care at least once every 2 months.